Week 5

This week in class, we reviewed primary sources and copyright laws in relation to our soldier graffiti project. While searching for primary sources with information on the 29th Infantry, I stumbled upon a record of the infantry’s participation in battles and the corresponding casualties from the unit. The document fits under the “Official Records” from the war years category from the Valley of the Shadow database we looked at in class. The document is a kind of spread sheet, outlining each battle the infantry took part in, what date they were there, and how many men were wounded/dead/missing, separated into officers and enlisted men.  This information can help pinpoint what our individual soldiers were experienced at specific times during the war, helping us better convey their Civil War experience.

The website was created by the New York State Division of Military  and Naval Affairs for the purpose of sharing public information with online browsers interested in the civil war.  The Source is in the public domain because it is an official government record, and sources from the United States Government are not covered by copyright laws.

Another facet of research we covered was the existence of OCR, optical character recognition, which converts image files into searchable text document. This is extremely helpful in research because it makes previously painful documents searchable, making finding information infinitely more simple. Here is a JPEG file from my soldier’s records that I converted using Google’s OCR program. The mistakes were minimal, so in this case it seems to be worth the error percentage over manually typing the document. I can see these small errors adding up and creating issues, though, in longer documents that have a greater need to be precise.


Primary source referenced in this post: http://dmna.ny.gov/historic/reghist/civil/infantry/29thInf/29thInfTable.htm

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